All of me – John Legend

Yes. This is what being in control of chords and patterns, bringing it back to a fairly basic, but really wonderful piano arrangement means. John Legend is of course a master of the pop-meets-soul-piano-song, and uses the exact methods of playing Pop/Chord/Pattern piano from ‘Hack the Piano‘ to build his beautiful piano songs with. So, for ... Read more

Coldplay - Atlas

And what an absolute magical track this is. As we've seen quite a few times already, Chris Martin (singer and pianist of Coldplay) really knows how to put his chords and patterns to good use. He is a truly marvellous example of a Pop-Pianist.

This new song of theirs, yet again holds a wonderful (and quite extensive, 14 different chords/voicings for just the verse) chord progression using really nice voicings and inversions and a hauntingly beautiful broken-chord pattern.

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